
My Journey

Of all the Kingdom badges for Meridies, the pony one is my favorite and the one I choose to use when a Kingdom badge is called for. Below is the badge for the Royal University of Meridies as well as the ones associated with the Meridian Cross and Swans Grace. The Meridian Cross badge is made of fused glass and was produced by me.

When I was doing the crusader persona, my persona was from Jerusalem so I used to keep a Kingdom of Jerusalem banner around. I used red and white for my crusader colors. As a proud member of the LGBTQ Household in the SCA, Clan Blue Feather, I often wear the colors and love making blue feather items like the cast feather and faux enamel plate. I fly a blue feather flag over my tent when I can. I also enjoy showing my membership in the Courtesans Guild by wearing the colors of that group; yellow and red.

My device and first SCA name were passed in the 90s. I have since retired both the name and the banner from use. However, I also passed my Household name at the time and I still use that name today for my Household.

My Household original uses the colors red and white. Our first badge with the white arrow never passed but the cross arrows did. I now prefer to use the colors green and white for my Household badge. Its use is reserved for members of Household Stone Hill Keep.

I also enjoy having the Household badge on this rainbow shield. I want to make it clear that my shop, camp, and house are welcoming places.

My personal badge is the Wounded Wolf. This badge is used as my makers mark and as my shop logo. My new SCA name has also become the shop name. I am presently working on a new SCA device.


Household Stone Hill Keep


My SCA Achievements