My SCA Achievements

My Journey

My first time in court was to present the crowns with belts as a part of a presentation from my shire at an event called An Event. Pictured below are those belts. In these early years (1990s), I was recognized for my performing arts and crafting skills. The related scrolls are pictured below. In 1992, I was given my Award of Arm (A0A) for my work at Fools War. I was given a circlet, however, it was a bit too small and became these rings. The circlet had originally belonged to Countess Julian.

Below is a picture of my AOA scroll. I eventually made my own circlet to go with my AOA. I continued to work with the Fools War event until the early 2000s. In that time, I served as Constable, Autocrat, and Merchantcrat. I was also an autocrat at a Barony of Bryn Madoc event called Danelaw, and was Constable for a couple of Castle Wars.

I eventually made my own circlets out of silver. Once I opened my business, much of my SCA time was given to my art. I had always shied away from competitions but had entered a few small arts competitions. I won first place in a garb competition for making a speculative attempt at pre-Colombian Native American Garb. I won first place at Clan Wars for my jewelry work. The second time, they gave me a penannular brooch as a prize that I still keep in my kit. I won first place two years in a row in an evil eye bead competition at Lillies War. I was also recognized for archery at Lillies war for completing their challenge. I recently got up the nerve to compete at Kingdom and Inter-Kingdom level in Arts and Sciences. My first Kingdom competition was Stella Nova where I received a perfect score. Over the years, I have received largesse for my work in the SCA that are all treasured by me.

In 2013, I was given a Meridian Cross for my lampworking and teaching. I had at this point taught lampworking at Lillies War, Pennsic, and a few local SCA events.

In 2014, I was given A Grant of Arms (GOA) at Castle Wars. This is currently my highest level of recognition in the SCA.

In 2021, I was given the Swans Grace award by the Barony of South Downs. I love this award for so many reasons. Among those is that it was given by my current local group and that my partner was with me when I received this award. It is also my favorite scroll as it fits my Norse persona.

My most recent achievement is having competed in Gulf Wars as a Kingdom Arts and Science champion and I recently took an apprenticeship. Both of these are stories for another day.




My SCA Story