Household Stone Hill Keep

My Journey

Founding Head of House, Lord Henry of Stone Hill Keep

Household Stone Hill Keep was found in 1992 at Red Tower. The founding members were Countess Julian, Henry, Richard, Kennan, Philip, and Danielle. The group made Henry the Head of House via election. The House has had its high and lows. At its height, we had between 20 and 30 members across two Kingdoms and our grand encampments had up to 7 period tents, a court yard, shower facilities, and a fully stocked bar. Those days have come and gone. These days the Household has no grand encampments and only a handful of active members. Mostly, it is just me.

In 1997, we introduced the castle to the encampment. It only survived a few years before being parted out. The building of this is still one of my fondest memories of the good old days.

Over the years, our membership has evolved and changed. Members have left the SCA, new ones have joined, children have been born, and others have left this world. We have had good times in the bar, on the field, and I have had the pleasure of seeing members go on to be elevated, made squires, apprentices, associates, been given arms, etc. But the best times were spent around the table or fire just enjoying one another’s presence. I hope one day to experience those joys again.

Household regalia played an important role in our culture in those early days. As we grew as a House, those things fell to the side. Our only regalia these days is our badge.

The Household has tried over the years to hold get togethers at Red Tower, Castle Wars, and Fools War. Due to changing dynamics, most of our activities are now done in joint with Clan Blue Feather Meridies.

Our last reunion.

Our last grand encampment was at Pennsic.

Current Head of House, The Honorable Noble Lykania of Stone Hill Keep.

In Memoriam

May their memories be a blessing.

Members: Marianne Mize, Countess Julian.

Our animal frinds: Daisy, Suzie, and Murphy.


And So It Begins

