Velvet Owl

My Journey

On September 17, 2022, at Red Tower, I was made a member of the Velvet Owl.

Here is the explanation of the Order from the Kingdom website.

“Order of the Velvet Owl: Given to those who have shown outstanding skill and accomplishment in the arts and sciences, who have imparted those skills to the populace of Meridies by regular teaching and sharing of ability in their particular specialty, and who have consistently displayed courtesy and chivalry in an exemplary manner. Companions of the order may place the initials CVO after their names. The order's badge is: (Fieldless) An owl's head cabossed within and conjoined to an annulet argent.”

The Order of the Velvet Owl includes this presentation of a pouch with an Owl on it. This one that was given to me was made by Justina Di Silvestri. This Viking style pouch has a strap that is made from a finger loop braid from her vigil gown which was made by Wistric. Unfortunately, it was not a functional length so I had to make a replacement, the new cord is a lucet cord. I finally got around to getting this new cord made for the Market Day at Birka event. I will have to find something special for the finger loop braid.

The scroll that was given is just absolutely gorgeous and appropriate right down to the detail of my Household badge as well as the Meridian cross.

The scroll was made by Luchia Del Mar. Below is the text on the back of the scroll.

I also have a Velvet Owl Pouch that was left to me by Baroness Brigit Ard Inghean Aeda before her passing. I miss you, Brigit.

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A Market Day At Birka