A Market Day At Birka

My Journey

My partner and I decided to give the event, A Market Day At Birka, a go. This SCA event was all the way up in Manchester, NH, a long way from our home near Atlanta, GA.

Before going to the event there were some things that I felt needed to get done, chief among them was making stuff to take up there. So, for nearly two months, I worked non-stop to produce new items and restock others.

It was a 19.5 hour drive up there that took us by many cities, through several tunnels, and over a few bridges. Lots of lonely stretches of toll roads with nothing but Dunkin’ Donuts.

Of course, before checking into our hotel, we stopped for some highly recommended clam chowder from the Goldenrod Drive In. It was so good we ate there three days in a row.

Finally, we reached the site of the event. The Manchester Double Tree.

I found some time on Friday to make some more jewelry. This was the first time I have taken my portable bench with me since 2015.

One of the other things we did in preparation for the event was update the look of the shop. I think things turned out well.

Saturday night’s activities were not as vibrant as I would have liked. I am definitely not used to hotel SCA. I never get all the pictures I would have wanted but my partner and I did find some time to take some pictures in the snow.

It was good to have had company on the trip. I am thankful that my partner came with me. He is a great traveling companion and an even better driver.

And another 19 hour drive home.

I was able to get a good deal on some amber while I was up there, some of which is going right into stock and some of which I will be using in my own creations.

I came home to find that Sam with Heart of Oak picked up one of our Rainbow Coasters and posted some great pictures of it.

I also came home with two awesome beads from Heart Of Oak Crafts.

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