My SCA Story

My Journey

The Society for Creative Anachronism is a organization whose members research and explore through recreation pre 1600’s history. I first learned of the SCA in 1990 when I saw a demo outside of Comics Castle in Macon, GA. I became a member shortly thereafter.

I quickly became a key part of the local group in Macon, the Shire of Novus Matisco, and their yearly event Fools War. I became good friends with Countess Gillian Anna di Lando, former Queen of Meridies. She ran Fools War and was a key officer in the local group. I was proud to follow in her footsteps and ran the war for a few years after she retired from it. She was also the one who first pushed me to sell my art. Her influence on my character continues today. For a time, I also became Arts and Science officer for the Barony of Bryn Madoc in Athens, GA. During that time, I ran an event called Danelaw for Bryn Madoc. I left my offices behind in the early 2000s. In 2012 or so, I became the Provost at Large for the Kingdom of Meridies Royal University. I left the position in 2015. I presently hold no offices in the SCA.

At first, my persona was one built from the SCA’s self-created Current Middle Ages. I would go as Scottish, Viking, Greek, Egyptian, or just a generic medieval person. I then focused in on the crusades, building out a series of related characters that told the story of one family from 1050s to 1200s. Now, I play as a viking pretty much exclusively. Norse father, Greek mother, born in Constantinople. The details are still being developed.

In 1994, I was authorized as a fighter in heavy combat. At times, I have also played with archery. I even spent a day or two on horseback. I now play with thrown weapons. My persona is a Shield maiden though I often use the term Spear maiden as it is my preferred method. The highlight of my fighting career was participating in the Crusader Battle at Pennsic.

My crusade comrades. They were just as friendly as the other guys.

These days, my focus is on my glass and the study of Norse culture, gender and sexuality. I can often be found teaching or taking classes at events and soon hope to complete my course work with the Royal University of Meridies to receive the Philosopher’s degree. I have recently taken on an apprentice belt in the hopes of better directing my path in the SCA arts. The SCA continues to play a large part of my life and this entry just covers a few aspects of it. I plan to share my achievements, heraldry, and events I’ve been to and the story of my Household in the upcoming entries.


My SCA Achievements


Festivals, Events, and Fairs.