IndieGoGo-Kiln and Torch Fundraiser
From Furnace to Flame: A Journey In Glass
I started in 2014 with two service projects. One was a collection of beads that were given to a local SCA group to be used as site tokens. I also made a selection of beads that went to the Kingdom of Calontir to be used at Lillies War. These were designs that were inspired by my Silk Road research. These were some of the last beads I made without a kiln. It was at this time that I started a 3 month campaign on IndieGoGo to raise the funds needed to add a kiln and dual fuel torch to the shop.
The goal was to raise $1000.00 which was enough to buy a Kiln and maybe a dual fuel torch. In order to receive the largest payout, we had to hit our goal. We advertised relentlessly on Facebook and YouTube. Each contributor got a thank you. For those who gave $10 or more, they got beads. As we got closer to the end date, it became clear we were going to hit enough to get a kiln. There was much rejoicing as we ordered our Paragon Blue Bird Kiln.
When the kiln came in, we put it to use right away. All the beads we had made over the year got batch annealed. This kiln is still in use in the shop and every time I use it, I think of all of my supporters who put it in my hands.
I still had time and the goal was still not met. So we kept pushing for more donations. We offered extra stuff if we hit our goal, and guess what? We did it! We got all the way to $1000 with time to spare. Ultimately, we hit $1080. Things got even better as I was offered the opportunity to buy out a retiring lampworker. I went over budget a little but came away with tools, a torch, lots of glass, and a few other things. All I had to do was buy a O2 tank.
For a long time, the kiln was the most expensive thing in the shop. It is an essential piece of equipment. The torch has been the shop work horse. I seldom use the Hot Heads any more. I named my torch an Nortel Mega Minor “Serenity”. I would not be where I am today without the support of every one who contributed and who campaigned for my success in 2014.
Thank You
to Every Supporter of the 2014 IndieGoGo Campaign