Furnace to Flame: A Journey in Glass

One of my long term goals in the SCA has been to graduate from the Royal University of Meridies (RUM). This meant among other things teaching 10 classes on glass arts and science of glass. I am getting really close to being done. In the process, I have taught about glass at local events and at the large SCA events that are often referred to as “wars.” I have expanded my teaching to virtual instruction over the course of the plague. My original set-up was 5 Hot Head torches and a crock pot. Once I got a kiln, I brought it to a few classes and even took my dual fuel torch to Lillies War. I even made it into the Pennsic Independent (the newspaper), working in the Pennsic glass tent. It was at Pennsic that I was given the Meridian Cross. I have taught both practical classes and academic classes. I am trying to use part of my teaching time to expand non-class worker’s knowledge of what to look for when evaluating glass beads for quality and accuracy.


Silk Road Project Part I


A Little Side Project