From Furnace to Flame: A Journey In Glass

The new tank is big.

After going around in circles with one gas company, I ended up going with a different supplier. They installed the tank and built a custom manifold. There are multiple cutoffs built into the system that ends with a manifold capable of supplying the furnace and glory hole and a new regulator for my torches. It took many months to get this all worked out and installed.

So far, my use of the system for glass blowing has been limited by the weather. By the time the install came, it was almost winter and that was followed by pollen days and now it is in the lower 90s. I am looking forward to the fall when things cool down a bit.

Over the winter, I added some force air heating to the shop and upgraded our safety systems to better monitor ventilation.

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Firing Up the Hot Shop For the First Few Times


Historical Glass Works at Ga. Renaissance Fair