Hnefatafl (Viking Chess)
From Furnace to Flame: A Journey In Glass
I began with using some of the funds from the Beads Box sales to buy some new tools; two mandrels for making cabs and a mini blow pipe.
While, I have only used the triangle cab mandrel a few times, the round cab mandrel became very useful for making game pieced. For Hnefatafl (Viking Chess) the pieces are inspired by extent finds.
The mandrel is coated in slip/release and the piece is formed on the mandrel. Once the slips cools, the piece will fall off. I work quickly and let the piece fall off in the kiln, then remove the mandrel and cool it to make a new piece. The pieces I have made are small so far. I have made one set in green and three, so far, in blue. I am slowly working on a set formed off mandrel as well.
The game has three types of pieces; a plain piece, a polychromatic piece and a bumpy piece (the King).
I decided to use my glass line paints to make a fused game board. The board is 6 1/2 inch wide and 6mm thick. I started by painting the game grid and the reticulated design around the border. I made these little eyes in the corners and center. The patterns on the board were inspired by designs found on Viking beads. Once the board is done, it is covered with a second clear sheet and then the two are fused together.
The finished board with its pieces. This set involved lampworking, cold working, enameling, and glass fusing skills. It took over a month to finish. Time wise, it is one of my most intensive endeavors.