Royal University of Meridies
My Journey: RUM
I began really working to graduate from the Royal University of Meridies in 2011. I had been taking classes off and on since 1990, but it was at that point that I focused on completing the course work. RUM is a non-accredited university within the SCA. At the time I completed all of my Philosopher’s degree, there were 4 degree levels. The first was a Scholar’s degree which requires specific classes within a variety of topics. Then, there is the Lecture level degree which has a requirement of 10 classes in the same field of study, such as history or science. The 3rd level is a Magister’s Degree which requires you to complete a Lecture degree and to teach 5 classes as well as a project within that same field. The final level is a Philosopher’s degree which requires 5 Magister’s degrees in 5 different fields and a final project.
Since 2011, I had been working on the goal of a Philosopher’s degree, which I completed during the pandemic. RUM finally held a graduation in which multiple degrees were awarded, including a Magister’s in Gender and Sexuality and a Philosopher’s degree, with my final project being my “Furnace to Flame” project.
Philosophers Degree
This year’s RUM event was also a moment for me to share my travels to Italy and Greece as a Virtual Field Trip.