Mystery Box Challenge

My Journey

The Challenge

Objective: Take contents of your mystery box and within 2 weeks, make an "A&S Entry" for the Faire. Then, post a picture to this event with your entry details. Obviously, documentation is not required.. but hey... if you can do a thing that is period with documentation... rock on!

There will be various categories and prizes (more details posted as we have them) but categories could include: most historical, most creative use of all items, etc.

Have fun, be creative, craft some things!

My box contents.

Step one, was to clean the beads. Definitely found these beads to not be very well made as half the lot did not survive the bead release removal process. After reaming, brushing and washing the beads, I could take inventory.

I took my saw to the ornaments to convert them into something usable as tags. I strung on my own bead wire and used the clasp that came in the box to finish the item.

The final piece includes some wire wrapped tags using beads from the box and scrap wire from the shop. The only materials I used that did not come in the box were three pieces of wire, the bead wire, and crimp beads.

The entered piece. Tied for Best Viking.

The Winners:


The "Best Viking" category sponsored by Lady Melkorka goes to:

Ogata-San for his board game and TH Noble Lykania Shk for their Viking treasure necklace

The "Best Historical" category sponsored by THL Alison Petrisek goes to:

Lady Sefa Knytir ) for her cat ear hood

The "Most Practical Item" category sponsored by Lady Sefa goes to:

Min Soo Yun for her bat wrist needle holder

The "Most Creative" category sponsored by Lord Kalbardr goes to:

Master Lorenzo Petrucci for his attempt at making papyrus, the tiny dolls of the judges was also a brilliant bribe.

The "Most Items Used/overall" also sponsored by Lord Kalbardr goes to:

Lady Bu Feiyan for the TON of jewelry she produced

The "Best Extra European" sponsored by Stella di Silvestri goes to:

Lady Rúnfríðr for her taj

Lastly the Coronet's Choice selected by the Most Excellent Baron and Baroness of South Downs is awarded to:

Lady Rúnfríðr for her overall amazing work INCLUDING documentation.

Happy to have tied for Best Viking!

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Egyptian 44


The Creation of a Viking Tag Necklace