Kiln Work Part I: Making Frit out of Scrap

From Furnace to Flame: A Journey In Glass

I wanted to experiment with glass casting in the new kiln. I decided to make frit out of some of my scrap glass I brought home from Corning, NY. I attempted to sort the glass out so that I was working with the same glass type.

The glass had to be crushed and then sorted out which meant adding a glass crusher and sifting set to the tools collection.

Once the glass was crushed, it could be sifted into grades and any metal fragments removed with magnets. This process requires appropriate PPE to protect from the glass dust generated.

The glass could then be placed in a mold for casting. So far, I have used this process to crush waste COE 90 as well. The biggest issue is contamination of the finer grades of crushed glass with metal and paint fragments from the crushing equipment.

Feather made with cast recycled stained glass.

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Kiln Work Part II: Casting Glass


Time for Equipment Upgrade