SCA Wars

My Journey

SCA life often involves small events that last only a day or two or that have under 250 people attending. However, there are larger events that sometimes have 1000’s of people and last up to a week or two.

My Local Wars: Fools War and Castle Wars.

My first large event was Fools War in 1993. I have attended almost all of them since then. Between 1993 and 2002 or so, I worked at the event. I have also been a vendor, and for awhile I ran a free tavern. The event attendance has reached a high of 2000 and now gets on average over 500 people. Castle Wars is a newer event and gets similar attendance. The two events sometimes happen at the same sites, and while run by different local groups, have a similar feel and are supported by roughly the same population. I have vended, run the tavern, and served as staff at Castle Wars as well. For many years, I fought at both events on Saturday. Both wars start on Thursday and run till Sunday. Fools War is usually in April, and Castle Wars in November.

Lillies War

Over the years I have been to many events. Lillies War has always been at the top of the list. The event is one week long and is between Kansas and Missouri. There is a lake, fireworks, good food, music, and wonderful people. I learned lampworking there and had my official grand opening there. I hope to go back some time even if it is hot as hell.

Border Raids

I have been going to Border Raids in Kentucky off and on for years. I think I first went in 1997, and last went in 2014. It is a fun little war and a must for the Meridian army. It may be just the weekend, but it was always worth the time. I do not know if it survived the pandemic, but I hope so.


My first major war was Pennsic in 1996. I went with 4 other members of the Household Stone Hill Keep. We spent almost the whole week there. I went back in 2012 by myself and went back in 2013 and 2014. In those last two years, I helped to run the Kingdom encampment and even served as the land agent in an emergency capacity. During those last few years, one of my housemates went to the war with me. In 2021 and 2022, I attended the virtual Pennsic as a merchant, student, and instructor.

In 1996 and 2014, I fought in the Pennsic war. In 1996, I was able to fight along side my housemates.

In 1997, I attended Gulf Wars for the first time with multiple members of my Household and we got to fight in the war as a unit. I went back in 2015 and 2016. In 2016, I helped one the merchants at the war. I also worked to get my new name and device paperwork together. In 2021, I attended the virtual Gulf Wars as a merchant, student, and instructor. In 2022, I was invited to attend as one of five representatives in the Arts and Science Competition. I was also able to merchant at the war.

I have also attended the other large events such as Gatalop, Panhandle Skirmishes, and Arabian Nights.


Temporary Shop


An Art Show or Two