Kiln Work Part III: Fused Glass

Furnace to Flame: A Journey In Glass

With the kiln up and running and some basic idea of how it works, I wanted to try and fuse some glass. The idea was to make blanks to slump into coasters and plates. My partner was given the task of doing the measurements and making the cut. I had the job of doing the grinding and making the breaks. We worked together on the designs.

Our first fused glass came out with a blister. The second one came out better but some of the pieces broke during cutting. We tried to fuse them back together but the crack remained. The blistered one was crushed into frit. I decided to go with COE 90 glass for our fused work just as we had done for our cast pieces.

By the 3rd attempt, we started to get the process down. At first, I was running cast pieces with the fused work but I have started to move away from this as I have dialed in fire rates.

With this part of the process dialed in, I moved toward the process of slumping the blanks into their final shapes.

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Kiln Work Part IV: Slumped Glass


Kiln Work Part II: Casting Glass