Bead Boxes

My Journey

I, like many artists, struggled at the start of the plague with connecting with my supporters and funding my art. At the same time, I had lots of time to devote to research and development. My solution was the subscription model. In November 2020, I introduced a monthly subscription box; the Bead Box.

The boxes helped to fund general shop expenses, new tools, glass resupply, and research books. At the same time, the boxes offered an excuse to try new things.

One of the things I picked up with the funds from the bead boxes was this set of graphite and brass bead rollers.

The bead box is sold as a one, three, six, or twelve month subscription. There are only 8 slots available for any given month. Supporting at the one month level pays for a week’s worth of shop expenses, a three month subscription covers the cost of a small tool, a six month subscription will fund a small glass order, and the twelve month subscription helps with capital expenditures and large glass purchases.

Each box has a selection of gemstone and lampwork beads. The lampwork beads often reflect current products of my research. The beads are from the pre-modern glass trade finds with a focus on the Norse/Viking world.

Sorted beads waiting for there labels prior to packing.

The boxes usually have between 10 to 11 labled items and each box has a content list with a basic description of the beads.

Recently, boxes have included glass rings and reproduction coins. I am constantly thinking about what could go into future boxes. I hope my supporters enjoy the contents as much as I enjoy making the beads and putting the boxes together.

Cnut penny in brass from the June 2022 box.

I have also started selling flop beads as a another way to fund my shop expenses. These are beads that did not come out as I wish. Occasionally, when there are big capital expenses, you can catch a grab bag or box sale. These are usually listed on social media and they are rare opportunities to buy beads in bulk.

However you support my art, I thank you. Whether it is just a kind word, a ‘like’ or share on social media, with a purchase, or as a page supporter, I could not do this without your support.

Thank you!


Shaping The Beads


Research Materials and Process