2024 Ups and Downs
My Journey: A Hard Year
Things started off amazing and I was given an invitation to attend Meridian Court at Midwinter Arts and Science. I had advocated on my own behalf that I did not want to be surprised when being called into court, and this invitation was an acknowledgment of that. During the court, I was called before the Queen, where upon I was made a Baroness of of the Court.
This is something I have always wanted. It was made even more meaningful as I had been given a coronate as part of my inheritance form Baroness Bridgets passing. One of the last things she told me was that I would need it one day.
My trip to Iceland was fast approaching at this point. At the same time, I was working to complete some orders that I had received for glass rings, all on top of submitting to present at MDATS. I also had a large Viking Themed Festival, The Viking Experience, to get ready for, as well as Gulf Wars. Going into the Viking Festival I was feeling the stress of the year baring down on me, and things had not heated up yet.
An opportunity arose to acquire some glass and tools from HotLanta’s hot shop, and I took it.
At this point it was mostly expenses vs income that was causing me stress. Sales had been down since last October. I was very much looking forward to Fools War since last year it had been canceled. I was excited to have some upgraded lighting for the shop and some new fused glass items that I was very proud of.
And I got this super awesome picture taken of me.
Then the kiln I use for making beads broke down. It was too close to Iceland Trip to try and fix it so I set that issue aside… And of course I loved Iceland.
Once home, I ordered a new element for the kiln but struggled to install it, so ended up ordering a new kiln instead. Meanwhile, I used my big glass blowing kiln to get work done and finished multiple orders, except that kiln died. I was forced to complete the ring project with my top loading kiln which is not ideal.
Then with only one working kiln, I went through a brake up that was and is still very hard on me. I was no longer happy in my shop or home and needed to arrange a move. I spent the next few months closing down the shop, packing up my life, and finding a new home. One that I would own and that had the space to build a new shop.
I escaped from some of all that was going on in my life by getting involved again in the Furry Community. Going to a few conventions.
One of the things that attract me to the community, besides I can be a wolf, is that it is a super LGBTQ friendly environment. It is where gender and its presentation is a bit more fluid than the norm even in other LGBTQ friendly environments. By sharing my rooms and carpooling to these events I was able to budget them and even bring home some art. I also found new inspiration to bring my art back to the community.
I did finally find a new home and with the help of family was able to buy a house with land. However the property has quite a bit of work to be done. I was able to set up a small work shop while most of my equipment remains in storage. I moved the new kiln into the prepared space.
The first batch of beads from the kiln were done despite some issues with how the door on the kiln was set up. I sent the kiln back for modification and got it back into the shop.
My last furry event of the year, Ferry Take Over, in North Carolina just so happened the same weekend that the Hurricane Hit. The cabin I stayed in almost got hit by a tree, but other than that I was unsaved. It was a bit of a drive to get home. While the event was a little damp I was able to make some sales.
I missed the southern reaching northern lights the first time but this time I was able to see it from the yard of my new place.
I came home and went to work on prepping for War of The Wings. And some how making an appearance at Atlanta Pride that was on the same weekend that WOW started.
I followed WOW with a trip to Mobile, AL for Gatalop.
All while also prepping for MDATs conference in York England. Once War of the Wings was done, everything was about MDAT’s and trying to raise funds to cover the trip and prepare the presentation. My computer was struggling to get the data processed to prepare my presentation. I also was working to make some glow glass eye beads and vials, only to have my one working kiln die. The brand new kiln had a whole row of bricks fall out. I had no choice put to take it for repairs and concentrate on the presentation only. I literally finished it as I was leaving for the airport.
I made plans in my head that when I came back I would begin the process of building a new shop, getting a dog so I would not feel so alone, and replacing my computer.
Those plans fell apart as I was driving to the airport and realized that my life as a transgender, queer, female, who is disabled was about to get a lot more scary and uncertain in this country. This fear cast a whole shadow over my trip and it was very difficult to come home.
Now back in the states, I thought I would set up my top loading kiln on the back patio and make some cast and fused glass while I wait on the bead kiln to be fixed. After getting things all set up I went to plug it in only to realize it a 20 amp plug and I only have 15 amp recepticals so that idea was dead in the water.
At this point there, are only two event left, Castle Wars and Winter Market. I almost did not go to Castle War since I was emotionally and physically drained. However, I was expected at court.
I will leave the details for another entry, but the short of it is that I was given the rank of journeyman, released as an apprentice to Ximena Yannez de Talavera and given a Writ to the Order of the Laural.
As hard as the year is, was and continues to be this is huge. And it my hope that this event can essintualy end this up and downs for the year. At least for the most part.